
Performance & Internet

The Body in Contemporary Performance: a comparative and personal response to Nigel Jamieson's Honour Bound and Version1.0's Wages of Spin (Tessa Needham)

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  When I read through this article, what impresses me most is how the impact and emotional affect have been transformed by the phyical language of the performers, and reached the audience. On the other hand, I think it is also an interesting aspect that then how these performances can deliver the same influence by the new technology as internet. Maybe it will be the same with the development of music as from all live shows to be also recorded as CDs, which means people will still have interest in the face- to - face performances, but also own another channel and platform to appreciate such art activities. Then, other than the visual contact with the transformed ideas, we can also take advantage of the shared information through internet to exchange what we know and what we would like to obtain.

by Vialo

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